วันอังคารที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Book Summary: The Brower Quadrant - Live Life Deliberately - Written by Lee Brower

Do you ever think about generational transfer of wealth, fiscal accountability and contribution? The statistics for generational wealth hitting the 3rd generation are dismal. Basically, the first generation busts ass and creates something great. The second generation leverages the knowledge and the experience and expands the enterprise because they grew up seeing the work ethic and ingenuity exerted by the first generation. Now comes the third generation that basically is handed over the keys without doing the work and the enterprise dies. This is the fault of the second generation teachings and the third generation entitlement mindset.

Why is this important to me?
If you have a business and you are building your net worth and want to pass it along then this is critically important to you. Do you know that 90% of lottery winners are broke in 5 years and end up in worse shape than when they started? This is even worse for ex-athletes. Athletes are good at what they do and they simply think they are good in business because they have the money. Just like athletics, creating wealth is a science that takes hard/smart work and dedication.

Anybody who says that they will go into business and succeed without the work is no different than me saying I will start for at tailback for the Dallas Cowboys next year. Both are very unrealistic but most people don't see it that way for business. Education is critical along with hard/smart work.

The Brower Quadrant is broken down into three key parts. For the sake of time, I will define what the quadrant is and then touch on how to start living it.

1. What is the Brower Quadrant? The Brower Quadrant consists of four components. The first component is the "CORE". This is your special talents and what drives you as a person. If you are a musician, athlete, artists or business person, the core is what defines you. The "EXPERIENCE" quadrant is all the experiences that define you and your family. This is important and needs to be captured and put into story format. Example: My grandfather came over to this country by himself when he was 9 years old on a ship across the Atlantic Ocean. Put this into perspective as most 9 year old kids today are not even allowed to be outside after 5:00 in a good neighborhood. Unfortunately, I was too young when he died and I was not able to capture the whole story to share. The experiences that shape your personality and your core need to be captured and shared. They may seem trivial to you but are important because they define what you do and how you do it.

The "CONTRIBUTION" Quadrant is next. This is where you instill an attitude of gratitude and open up your heart. I realize this is esoteric but I cannot tell you how many books I have read that say the same thing. Basically this is Emerson's law of compensation - If you want more then give more.

The "FINANCIAL QUADRANT" is the money and wealth preservation quadrant. Most Estate planning people will simply show you how to minimize tax liability and ask you how you want to divide up the assets once you go down for the dirt nap. Lee takes a whole different approach and shows you how to continue to grow your financial position with the Family Empowered Bank and pass it from generation to generation. The Brower Quadrant is the solution to fleeting wealth across generations.

2. Why is the Brower Quadrant important? I touched on this above but it bears repeating. Each of the quadrants can be thought of as assets. Family knowledge and skill sets are typically taken for granted and lost. Most hard working business people lose their businesses to their heirs. This also creates family stress and torn relationships. I can personally attest to this. Our business consisted of extended family and the entitlement of one of the partners was absolutely despicable and it tore the family apart and ended up in court.

3. How does it work? Lee says it best in a chapter subtitle - "Family Leadership". This is much more than estate planning. Leadership requires vision, clarity, action, communication, influence and a whole host of other attributes. Implementing the Brower Quadrant requires clarity in each quadrant with a set of action plans that are communicated and acted upon.

The Brower Quadrant is required reading for anybody interested in preserving and building wealth across generations. Lee does an excellent job of outlining what is needed and gives additional resources. I started implementing some of the things in the book and will continue to implement all of it as our family and business grows.

I hope you have found this short video summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit. Habits form in as little as 21 days. One thing you can take away from this book is the difference between Family Leadership & Estate Planning. These two concepts are very different and Estate Planning is simply a very small subset of Family Leadership and the Brower Quadrant.

Joe Mosed invites you to subscribe to http://www.successprogress.com/ to receive free video book summaries. Our vision at Success Progress is to provide relevant & meaningful content to our user community. To view the video summary of this article please visit http://www.youtube.com/successprogress

(c) Copyright - Joe Mosed / Success Progress All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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วันอังคารที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Multiple Streams of Internet Income by Robert G Allen - Book Review

Title and Author: Multiple Streams of Internet Income by Robert G. Allen

Synopsis of Content:

Allen's thesis here is threefold: first, that you can make serious money on the internet, that it is the gold mine of the future; second, that in order to maximize internet opportunities you must exploit several of them, or what he calls multiple streams, and third, done right this is a fast way to make profits.

The strength in this book is the innumerable tips and tricks that a person new to internet commerce would not know but a veteran likely would. The important websites and internet resources alone are probably worth the price of the book if you are starting out on the web or even are fairly new to this. Another strength of the book is the myriad of ideas it suggests for you. You can and should return to this book time and again to mine from it the gems of information that can lead you to opportunities. This is not a detailed how-to manual. It is a great survey of the basic ways that people are making money on the internet.

The chief weaknesses of the book are that it makes assumptions that may not be valid for the inexperienced reader and it promises too much too easily. Typical of the Allen approach, he is short on the obstacles and limitations and long on the promise for wealth and ease of effort. For example he discusses how quickly you can generate rapid sales from a well written sales letter by email but fails to tell the reader that this only works when you have built up a very impressive email opt in list and that they take either a lot of money or a lot of time and effort to create.

If you can bear that caveat in mind and remind yourself that there are no get rich quick schemes (at least none that are legal) you can still benefit significantly from this book.

I have not seen an all around basic introduction into the many opportunities to make money on the internet that is better than this one or more comprehensive. If you want to see the opportunities out there and get excited about following one or more such "streams" this book is a great introduction and a good motivator. Just remember there is a whole lot of work and a lot more education needed to accomplish the kinds of income flows that Allen suggests are easy to do. This book may well be the start of your internet wealth library but only the start - it will take a lot more to get you there.

One principle that Allen teaches here however is worth a comment as it is very true and very important: it is critical to set up multiple sources or "streams" of income on the internet because you are not like to find any one source that is perfect or last forever. Many internet sales systems burn out over time and new "campaigns" need to be launched to capture more sales.

This book was written in 2001 and is therefore very dated. The internet and internet commerce is changing rapidly. When he wrote this there were no social media such as Facebook and very little use of video on the web. On a conceptual level Allen's book remains relevant but on a technical level much has changed since he wrote it.

Readability/Writing Quality:

This book is easy to read. Allen writes clearly and makes it all interesting. He uses lots of sub titles and organizes the information well. He uses text boxes with supplemental information, many of which contain gems worth more than the regular text.

Notes on Author:

Robert Allen is an author who has written on wealth building for many years. He started out with a book called No Money Down about how to buy real estate for no money down. A great deal has been written over the years about the validity of Allen's real estate theories. I will leave that to another time and place when we do an author feature on him. For now it is enough to remind the reader that Allen is long on motivation and promises of the possibilities and short on acknowledging what can go wrong, where the weaknesses are, etc. He is a great read if you want motivation and want to stimulate your wealth building imagination. He should never be the final word - to do your due diligence in building any kind of business you need more than a motivational introduction.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Once you set up an internet money machine, that is an internet sales system, it operates almost on auto-pilot. It takes little daily attention and if it was done correctly and if you have built a sufficient opt in list your sales will flow in day and night without much effort on your part.

2. The key to building solid and sustained sales on line is to build a good opt in list and to continue to grow it.

3. Good copy - that is, well written sales pages, are the key to turning those potential customers on your opt in list into actual buyers. Practice and refine the art of good copy writing to maximize your sales opportunities.

It is difficult to narrow the list to three. Allen does have a lot of gems here that you need to know from some source if you want to make money off the internet. If that is your interest this book is an excellent introduction.

Publication Information: Multiple Streams of Internet Income by Robert Allen, Copyright: 2001 Robert G. Allen. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

General Rating:Good

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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