วันจันทร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The 10th Step Toward Riches: The Mystery Of Sex: Transmutation

In this chapter of THINK AND GROW RICH, Napoleon Hill talks about the fact that through sexual intercourse, we perpetuate mankind, that sexual intercourse has a therapeutic effect on those who engage in it, and that if we transmute, transfer our sexual energy into developing our creative mind, we will come up with plans that we had not envisaged before. He talks about transferring one form of energy into another. Meaning that instead of focusing on sex we focus on something else, turn that energy into another form of expression. Sexual desire is apparently the most powerful of all desires and when men are driven by their desire for sex, they develop a keen sense of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence and creative ability unknown to them before. The desire for sexual contact can be so strong that men have often taken risks including soiling their reputation to indulge in the pleasures of sex. This applies to both sexes by the way, not just to men. N H explains that when we decide to transfer our sexual appetite or urges, into something else, our keen sense of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence and creative ability, will be just as strong but channelled towards something other than sex. He also says that our sexual desire should not be submerged or eliminated but simply a different outlet. Channel all that sexual energy into creating some piece of art for instance whether it be a beautiful painting, a piece of writing, wherever we feel we have a passion which must be developed, through which we feel for instance that we could find a way to become wealthy.

According to a scientific research mentioned in the book, high achievers also have a high sex drive, they have learnt "the art of sex transmutation", channelling their urges into something else and dedicate themselves to it with all the energy they would have for sex. N H also adds that wealthy men and those who have achieved recognition in literature, art, industry, architecture etcetera were often motivated by the influence of a woman. Research was conducted on the matter going back up to 2000 years before THINK AND GROW RICH was even written.

"...transmutation of sex energy may lead one to the status of a genius...a man who has discovered how to increase the vibrations of thought to the point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought". Simply put, genius is attained when we reach a level with our thoughts which surpasses even our own understanding. If you doubt this, just go back to all the things that were invented just over the past 15 years, how do you think the first computer, the internet, the iphone, the blackberry and let's go back even to the first washing machine, does anyone remember the 1 we had to empty manually and refill to rinse? All these inventions and countless others were born out of the imagination of geniuses who reached that status with their mind simply because they knew to channel their sexual urges and all their energy into their creative imagination and let it take over. Although sexual appetite and or energy is the creative energy of all geniuses, that does not mean that all who have a high sex drive are geniuses. The emphasis is put here on the fact that it is only when that energy for physical contact is transferred into some other form of desire and action, that our creative side, creative imagination is given free reign and we attain the level of genius.

Don't fret wondering whether or not we should stop having sexual intercourse, Napoleon Hill just wants us to understand the importance of self-control in every area of our lives.

My goal is to help you realise that your success is entirely up to you, it is not dependent on circumstances or just luck. Anyone can become successful as long as they understand and apply The Law Of Attraction. For help and more information go to: http://www.whatispersonaldevelopment.co.uk/ to start building the life you want.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg

Everyone dreams of earning more money, but most do not believe that it is possible. Do you yearn for more time with your children, family, and friends? The majority of hard-working individuals spend most of their time working, but yet never have the opportunity to enjoy the money they make because all of it goes to bills. Working to live and working to make a living are two completely different things. Chances are, the money you make is only enough to pay the rent and put food on the table. The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg teaches you how to attract more wealth and opens up your eyes to the realization that you can have what you want.

This program provides you with an enormous amount of money-making secrets. It teaches you how to make money doing the things that you love. Instead of going out and spending four years of your life in a college or university, you're spending your time utilizing the skills that you already possess. Who doesn't dream of doing what they love?

The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg also teaches you how to make more money and also how to hold onto the money you make. One of the greatest downfalls of all mankind is their inability to save. Do you reach for your debit card before your money has even had a chance to hit the bank? If so, you're going to end up more broke than you had ever imagined possible. Debt is no longer looked at as a problem, but a crisis as well. It's a huge burden that millions of people face each day and the effects can be devastating and long-lasting.

Another benefit that this program provides is helping you to change your mind about the way you look at money. If you have yet to attain the level of success you wish for, you've probably been heading in the wrong direction. Perhaps you have no direction, or maybe you're just downright lazy. The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg will help you to understand that regardless of your level of education or experience, the money that you want can be yours.

Robert Stuberg's motivational series also talks about gift-giving and how it can benefit you. You don't necessarily have to be rich to provide your loved one's with gifts. Providing gifts can come back to you ten-fold, helping to add to your wealth and success. In addition, you'll learn about how to avoid letting money problems affect your relationships. Making more money will help you to resolve all of your debt problems, affecting your life for the better, eliminating all stress in relation to financial security.

The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg also discusses in detail the secret to making intelligent investments. Too many people are throwing away their fortunes due to excessive gambling when it comes to investing. There is a chance that you may lose everything if you make the wrong decision. The key is to know where your money is going and to have confidence in the fact that your investments will grow rather than dwindle down the drain.

This guide is meant for the individual who wants to spend more time on vacation. The last thing anyone wants for themselves is to spend their lives in constant worry over bills. Unfortunately, many people have done just that. The only way to solve all your financial worries is to make more money. The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg will teach you how to make more money, providing you with concrete examples and steps that you can follow easily, quickly producing enormous monetary results.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The 12 Wealth Secrets by Robert Stuberg

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