วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Smart Women Finish Rich

David Bach's, "Smart Women Finish Rich", inspires women to begin planning for a secure financial future, immediately. Women of all age groups and backgrounds can benefit from reading and studying this book.

David Bach created an easy to understand program, which will guide you through your finance maze. Learning about money is a never-ending lesson, because the world and the economy is constantly changing. Today, hundreds of thousands of women are taking action to address their personal finances.

Women need to become empowered and gain financial education, because sadly, a divorce, a death or an illness, can leave women financially destitute if their sole reliance is on their partner to take care of them. Whether you are in your 20's or your 80's, single, married, divorced, or widowed; whether you are a professional or a homemaker, this book will empower you to see that you are more than capable of taking stock of your finances and your financial future. This book was designed to equip women with the right tools.

"Smart Women Finish Rich" draws a financial road map that will instruct you on how to go from where you are right now, to where you want to be. David launches into the first step in the book, which covers learning the facts and myths about you and your money. There is a financial knowledge quiz which can be filled out, to determine how knowledgeable you or aren't, about your personal finances.

The second step covers putting your money where your values are, which incorporates a values ladder. You can create your own values ladder, which enables you to look deeper within yourself, intensely affirming to you, what is most important to you.

Step three gets you to think about where you are currently standing financially and where you would like to go. David Bach outlines the "finish rich folder system", which helps you to begin getting organised. There are some goal setting exercises and worksheets to complete, helping you to figure out where you would like to be. There is a "personal plan for success" worksheet, helping you to overcome your challenges.

In step four, David talks about the "latte factor" and how to create massive wealth on just a few dollars a week. In step four of the program, you are encouraged to get your spending under control. There are a series of exercises you can use in the book to help you to control your spending.

In step five of the book, David talks about the "three baskets" - the security basket, the retirement basket, and the dream basket. He states that the security basket protects you and your family against unexpected emergencies or events, the retirement basket safeguards your future, and the dream basket grants you the opportunity to fulfill core desires that make life worthwhile.

Step six covers the 10 biggest mistakes investors make and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.

Step seven is particularly helpful in empowering savvy women to teach their children to become smart with money and to "finish rich".

In the updated edition, David includes crucial long-term investment advice, information on how to teach your children about money, Internet resources, and new ways to attract greater wealth, both personally and financially, into your life.

Zurieka Model is a leading online entrepreneur and business coach, seeking to help struggling individuals and entrepreneurs to become better financially educated and live a life by design. Finish Rich.

? 2011 Zurieka Model

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Science of Getting Rich, A Proven Mental Program by Wallace C Wattles - A Book Review

Synopsis of Content:

Wallace D. Wattles spent a life time studying and writing about the laws of success. He studied the great philosophers and contemporary writers. Wallace was convinced that wealth is attracted, as is poverty and every other condition. He taught that barriers could be overcome and success attained by mental discipline. He also advocated building wealth through creation and not competition. His book was first published in 1910.

Wattles insisted that one must first lose any reservations about getting rich and accept one's right to be rich. He dispels many of the myths about wealth and teaches how it can be used for the good of man, especially when it is the result of creative work rather than competitive work. He insists there is a science of getting rich and that many have discovered its laws. Rich people are not necessarily brilliant - they simply understand the laws of the science of getting rich while poor people do not.

He dispels the myth that opportunity has been all snatched up and teaches that for those who observe and are open to what the world had to offer there is a great deal of opportunity. In fact he says that opportunity is unlimited, or limited only by your imagination.

Wallace then sets forth the principles of getting rich. Those principles are:

? Thought is the only power which can produce tangible wealth from formless substance.

? Man can form things in his thought and by impressing his thoughts upon formless substance (raw materials) he can cause the things he imagines to be created.

? A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.

? To think what you want is to think truth, regardless of appearance. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.

Wattles then urges the reader to reject the idea that we are dependent upon a deity to accomplish our aims. Here he may leave the devout a bit cold and although one need not accept this aspect of his teaching to benefit from what he says over all it is true that he is stressing the power of the individual mind to change reality.

Wattles insists that as long as your intent is harmonious with the universe it will support you and your purpose. That is, as long as you intend no one any harm you will be well served by all of nature in your pursuits. And he stresses the importance of gratitude in one's pursuit of wealth and success.

He describes with particularity the way you must form clear pictures in your mind of what you want to attain it. He teaches the strength and the power of focused and disciplined intent.

Wattles' teaching was not new in 1910 and we recognize in it much of the "new age" thinking on manifesting and creating that is common in thousands of books today. He taught visualization, pioneered by William James and others, and the power of intent, attitude and the disciplined mind. You see his influence in the work of Napoleon Hill and others including many of today's leading authors, philosophers and teachers.

While he is didactic and somewhat narrow in his theory and advocacy, insisting for example that the reader read no other works on success or wealth building other than his book, he has a lot to offer the contemplative mind and was truly a pioneer in many areas of self improvement teaching.


Wattles wrote in the common style of the early 20th century. He wrote reasonably well but the text tends to be somewhat pedantic. It lacks the outline format of modern nonfiction literature. If you put a bit of effort forth it is well worth it. If you do not want to work at all at reading this may not be for you.

Overall Rating: Good

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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