วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Success Stories by Robert T. Kiyosaki - Book Review

Title and Author: Success Stories by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Synopsis of Content:

In 1997 Robert T. Kiyosaki published his first book in a series called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It was about the difference between the way wealthy people think and function and the way poor people do the same. Following that book have come a number of sequels and follow ups. In 2003 he published this work, a study of 22 people who had applied the principles from Kiyosaki's writing and succeeded.

It is not necessary to read any of Kiyosaki's previous works to gain something from this book but it would be very helpful to at least read Rich Dad, Poor Dad to get a basic understanding of the principles that he taught in that book and that influenced the stories you will read in this one.

Each story is instructive in its own right. They illustrate how ordinary people learned basic principles of wealth and applied them to become successful. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of these books is that they teach us all that anyone can do this. This is not limited to the smartest, the youngest, the best situated.

While these books are instructive in how they describe how each person used the principles to expand their wealth they also serve to inspire and motivate. For the person struggling in this area this is an excellent motivational book.

A word of caution: neither author is a certified financial advisor. There is no independent verification of their skill level in investments or of their own personal performance.

Readability/Writing Quality:

This like all of Kiyosaki's books is easy to read. These books would benefit from more vigorous editing at times and can be redundant, but they are well organized and easy to follow.

Notes on Author:

Robert T. Kiyosaki is a self described entrepreneur. He tells the story of his life as a boy in Hawaii where two people influenced him greatly, his father who was a university professor and a rich man, father of a friend, who taught him how the financially successful think and operate. He has written a number of books on investing, building wealth and real estate.

Publication Information:

Success Stories by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter, CPA. Copyright 2003 by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter. Published by Warner Business Books.

Rating for this Book

Overall Rating for Book: Good

Writing Style: Easy to read and follow.

Usefulness: More inspirational than instructional but serves both purposes.

Daniel R. Murphy writes about success and building true wealth on the Creating True Wealth Blog. Read articles and book reviews of the best books on success, personal development and building wealth. Go to the http://www.ctwblog.com/ now and sign up for a free weekly newsletter bringing you book reviews and other wealth information every week.

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