วันจันทร์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Making Money Fast

Many people are under a lot of financial pressure. Some are so desperate that they are looking for ways of making money fast. Needs that keep a man on his feet are good, this is because they make him utilize his most potent resource; his mind. It is a known fact that desperation can push a man towards the other extreme of losing his power of concentration which is an essential prerequisite to think well and solve problems. This could make him rather frenetic thereby compounding his problems.

There are two important questions that a person in a dire financial circumstance should ask themselves. The answers to these questions should determine the next step to take. The first question is 'how did I get here?' In other words 'why am I in this desperate financial situation?'A person may be in a financial dilemma because they lack financial discipline and are always spending more than they earn. It could be as a result of debt whose interest rate is too high thereby making it difficult to repay and squeezing out scarce funds from the individual's pocket. It could also be as a result of lack of a job and the consequent lack of a source of income.

The second question is 'what should I do to be out of this situation?' 'What am I to do to get money?' This is where the amazing power of the mind is brought to bear in solving a man's problems. Knowing the reason for financial crisis would help to find a solution to it. Using the law of causes and effects, when the cause of a problem is identified, dealt with and eliminated, there is no reason why the effect should not be eliminated as well. Having known the reasons or causes of the financial crisis the next thing is to eliminate those causes and this requires thinking along this line, 'What are the things that I should do to start making money fast?' Take time to think. Get a pen and paper and start listing the things that you can do to make money quickly? Think about this deeply until you've written down at least 20 solutions that could help you make money quickly.

For the unemployed who wants to get a job, it is worthy to note that most times, getting an employment ordinarily does not depend on the employee, it may not be a solution to make money quickly. But there are jobs that are considered stop-gaps that an individual could get quickly and use the money earned from it to reduce the pressure that lack of money puts on them. You shouldn't say 'I won't be caught dead washing plates' because it is a temporary job that could help you put food on the table until you get the type you deserve. When your solutions are all written down, start taking actions on them and you'll start seeing results that show you that making money fast is possible.

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