วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is maybe best known as a speaker and star of the hit movie "The Secret". This book is the culmination of Bob Proctor's more than 40 years of study in the world of personal development and success. Bob Proctor was a high school drop out turned firefighter in Toronto Canada who owed more money than he made in a year. He discovered a book that changed his life and started him on a journey that began in 1961 and continues to this day. That book was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The year that Bob Proctor started to study that book he made over $100,000 dollars and then over $1 million dollars the next year. He wanted to know what caused him to change when no one around him was changing. He wanted to know how and what made him successful and the result of that study is the book "You Were Born Rich"

"You Were Born Rich" is written in a straight forward way that is easy to read and understand. In this book Bob Proctor lays out a plan that if followed will give you the success that you are looking for. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific action or group of tasks that the author suggests you follow that will lead you to success. Bob Proctor encourages you to savour the book the way you would enjoy a glass of fine wine. Read the book and think about what the author has written. How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.

The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.

Mark Johnson is a life coach and consultant, who loves getting the most out of life and enjoys helping others to do the same. He enjoys a full life with his family and horses on his ranch in the Rocky Mountain Foothills. Mark is the founder of Your Wealth and Wisdom. Visit his website http://moneywealthwisdom.com/ It is my mission to help everyone learn to become wealthy. There is more than enough for everyone because we don't all define wealth in the same way or want the same things in life. You can learn more about how to make money, build businesses, protect your wealth, eliminate debt and develop passive income streams at my website http://moneywealthwisdom.com/

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