วันพุธที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Power of Perpetual Income by John Cummata

Thinking of getting a second job? All it takes is perseverance and interest in order to succeed. It doesn't need any special skills and you might soon consider the option of finally quitting your regular job. There are many ways of earning money online, however mostly it's nothing but a scam. There are lots of home based business opportunities nowadays. But some only offers missed opportunities that would leave you even more broke or discouraged.

The only best way to do is to find what is right for you, something that is a match to your interests. By just sticking to the common goals and proper time management, success can never be too far away. The road to financial freedom will be just a few blocks away with this informative session created by John Cummata who is a popular author of Nightingale-Conant program Transforming Debt into Wealth. He launched another session on a Compaq disc called The Power of Perpetual Income. Everybody is struggling for a better life. Every day we find better options. We only have to put our interest to it and no one can ever go wrong. The Power of Perpetual Income is one of the best options that are not only extremely rewarding but also very fulfilling. There are numerous home based programs out there but they can offer nothing but promises.

In The Power of Perpetual Income, an exciting opportunity is catered even to average working individual who works hard but still finds his earning not enough. Businesses that you could start at home and make your room as your personal office are being taught in John Cummata's session. He teaches four types of business that are easy, simple and efficient. You can actually start right away after you have fully absorbed the information you need. The ideas presented are current and something a person without special education can associate with because the platform is created in a way that learners of the program can easily learn from. The four businesses mentioned by John Cummata are about affiliate marketing business, online auction business, creating and marketing products and purchasing and renting out real estates.

You will learn from his teaching tools how to effectively run the business. He will also give you the option of making this opportunity of going full time rather than of having it as a part-time job only. He explains the income potentials that you can benefit by just following the simple process. These are tools that are already tested in the system and are proved to be effective. Informative additional resources and tips are being provided for the learners to gain more knowledge for the business to prosper. It only means that in every step of the way towards success, everything is well monitored and guided by the system. John Cummata has already analyzed possibilities that a learner might encounter along the way. He provides the solution how to get rid of those possible scenarios that can negatively affect the business. Cummata created the system less complex and more manageable by whoever is thirsty of attaining perpetual income. The only way to gain it is getting first the knowledge and the power to control income and with an ounce of interest, you're on your way to the road of success.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Power of Perpetual Income by John Cummata

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy has been one of the country's leading speakers on the topics of human potential and our own personal effectiveness. He speaks with plentiful words of inspiration and determination. As a speaker, he is entertaining and has a gift to inform his listeners and to motivate them into action. Every year he will speak to almost a half million people including those executives from large major organizations. His most recent project is his book, Million Dollar Habits.

In the Million Dollar Habits, he shares with the reader secrets that he has found over the years. It is a plan both in life and in building a career. He starts off by stating that if you do the things that successful people do, you will also be successful with the same results they have achieved. He says that as usual, it all boils down to the habits that people have. He firmly believes that people are not successful because of the daily habits that they have and make for themselves. He tells you that they can be changed and relearned.

In the book, Brian Tracy sets it up step by step, making it very clear what needs to be done. In the book, Million Dollar Habits, he gives his seven step program detailing how to make new habits for yourself. At the top of the list is a commitment for self discipline to follow through with this plan for success. He says the change will not be immediate but you will see some new positives in as little as two or three weeks. He points out that it is not complicated to make new habits.

In Million Dollar Habits, many helpful topics will be discussed but probably the most frustrating part that you will have to do is to follow up and stick with learning those new habits each day. One of the greatest tools that he provides for you is that he will summarize each of his chapters and gives a list of the steps you will need to take in order to master these. He is not all talk either, as he often will offer a quote from a well known psychologist in order to reinforce his own statements.

Brian Tracy's name is now synonymous with the strategies and techniques for the greatest success in your new or existing business and the management as well. His book, Million Dollar Habits can show you how to unlock your own path for self development in as little as fourteen days. Brian Tracy is a highly respected coach. People go out of their way to travel in order to hear him speak in person. You do not have to wait until you can restructure your schedule in order to go and see him. You will have his voice at your fingertips in the form of his newest book or audio tapes. He is also the chairman of his own company, Brian Tracy International. Not bad for a high school drop out whose first job was as a day laborer.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

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วันอังคารที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Final Chapter of THINK AND GROW RICH: How to Outwit The Six Ghosts of Fear

Indecision, doubt and fear.

Napoleon Hill says that in order to allow our sixth sense to function properly we must first get rid off indecision, doubt and fear. Indecision crystallizes into doubt, and the two blended together become fear. They will germinate and grow in our minds without us even realising it, thus we must pay close attention, guard our minds at all times and not allow indecision and the feelings of doubt and fear to fester in us, otherwise, this is where we fail at achieving anything, at seeing anything we undertake come to fruition or we start but do not see it through.

For the application of the philosophy of THINK AND GROW RICH to work we must first get rid of any indecision, doubt and fear.

Napoleon Hill talks about six basic fears and says that sometimes they are deeply hidden in our subconscious mind and thus we don't even realise they are there and they are some of the reasons stopping us from moving forward as we want to.

The six basic fears are: the fear of poverty, the fear of criticism, the fear of ill health, the fear of loss of love of someone, the fear of old age and the fear of death. Fears are just a state of mind and our state of mind can be directed and controlled by ourselves, that's right, we and only we are in control of our state of mind, no one else! N H reminds us of the fact that the moment we have a thought in our mind, that thought begins to be translated, take form into its physical equivalent; whether or not that thought impulse is voluntary or not. Thus we must be extremely vigilant to the chain of our thoughts. We all have the ability to completely control our own mind, if only we choose to apply ourselves to do it and be in complete control of our mind, thus our life.

The fear of poverty. If you want to be rich not poor, just focus on being rich, reject poverty by simply not dwelling on it especially if you consider yourself to be poor right now and solely concentrate, focus your mind on being rich whether it be financially, in health, spiritually, mentally etcetera. You cannot focus on both your current state of affairs whether it be that you are poor or ill and focus at the same time on being rich and healthy, you must choose one or the other. Fear of poverty is a state of mind, if you do not decide to change that state of mind nothing will change. Tell the Universe that what you want is to be rich, focus on that thought, accept that the Universe will start working toward getting you what you want and gradually as you focus on exactly how much money you want, the Universe will show you how to get there, through ideas, inspirations, hunches that will come to you and when you take up on them, start working toward your goal, you will know you're on the right path because you'll actually love it. Napoleon Hill describes the fear of poverty as the most destructive of the six basic fears.

The fear of criticism. Robs one of initiative, destroys the power of imagination, limits ones individuality, takes away ones self reliance and the list goes on and on and on. "Criticism will plant FEAR in the human heart or resentment but it will not build love or affection". This fear, the fear of criticism is fatal to a person's personal achievement.

The fear of ill health. "Powerful and mighty is the human mind! It builds or destroys". Some people make themselves ill through the constant fear of being unwell, every one has heard of hypochondria; research has also shown that two seriously ill people suffering from the same illness will recover at a different pace due specifically to their state of mind about the illness and how they have decided to tackle it. Those who admit defeat to begin with will not have the same chances of recovery or recover as quickly as the ones who decide to fight, take their medication and focus on being healthy rather than on the illness. Some people have even been known for surviving and recovering against the odds, some fully without the use of medication, they chose to solely rely on the power of their mind. Sometimes, failing in business or in love also sends people to hospital, however, this happens because of the way we let our mind at that moment, the pain, to take over and fester, that the pain grows more acute. N H is certainly not suggesting that we never feel pain, we all have feelings after all, but it is how we decide to handle the pain and how long we want to be in pain for or dwell on it that causes us to go into despair.

The fear of loss of love. "This fear is the most painful of all the six basic fears...", many of us have at one point in our lives felt destroyed by this, again now that we understand how the mind works and that we and only we are in control of it, we can be in pain it's perfectly natural, but for how long and how in control we are is up to us. We can choose to either be destroyed forever by the loss or simply that fear or we can choose and decide that we are worth more than feelings of despair or simply worth more than that fear and fight against it for our own sanity and the sanity of our relationship by not giving into it and banishing it completely focusing on the things that make us happy if we are still in a relationship or if we are no longer in one focusing on things that make us happy so as to not focus on what saddens us; before we know it, the pain will be gone.

The fear of old age. The only thing this fear is going to cause, is you growing old before your age. Regardless of how young you try to make yourself look through your clothes. Accept old age as a blessing carrying with it wisdom, self control and an understanding or knowledge not known to the young.

The fear of death. Napoleon Hill describes this fear as being useless. He says that death will come no matter what, eventually and there is nothing one can do about it. So why fear it in the first place, will it do any good?

We can control our mind and we have the power to feed it whatever thought impulses we choose to. Just as surely as we have the power to control our own thoughts, we are the masters of our own destiny.

My goal is to help you realise that your success is entirely up to you, it is not dependent on circumstances or just luck. Anyone can become successful as long as they understand and apply The Law Of Attraction. For help and more information go to: http://www.whatispersonaldevelopment.co.uk/ to start building the life you want.

From my site you can get a free copy of THINK AND GROW RICH

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วันอังคารที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Bible of Options Strategies

The Bible of Options Strategies: The Definitive Guide for Practical Trading Strategies which is written by Guy Cohen is the best book on option strategies. An excellent book by an excellent author. Guy Cohen has lots of experience on both the US and UK derivatives and stock markets.

The book is easy to read, Guy Cohen uses images and diagrams to explain about a strategy. Diagrams are easy to learn than numerical formula. The layout of the book is also great making the reader easy to navigate around the text. The strategies are categorized by Proficiency, Direction, Volatility, Risk/Reward, and Type. So it is easy if you want to find an intermediate, low volatility option strategy for bullish market.

The book covers all of today's best income, volatility, synthetic, and sideways market strategies. It will show you why each strategy works, an when and how to use them.

Here are what you will learn from the book:

The Four Basic Options Strategies.Income strategies. It construct spreads within a shorter term (typically 30-45 days). An example is covered call.Vertical Spreads.Volatility Strategies. These strategies is used when we think the price will move a lot. An example is short iron Condor.Sideways Strategies. It is used when we think the price will not move a lot. An example is long iron Condor.Leveraged Strategies.Synthetic Strategies.Taxation for Options Traders.

The book has a total of 56 strategies. You don't need to master every strategy. It is entitled the "Bible of Options Strategies" for a reason. It's a bible, so when you hear someone mention a "Short iron Condor" and wonder what it is, go read it from the 'Bible'.

Make money with option. Learn options strategies that makes money.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is maybe best known as a speaker and star of the hit movie "The Secret". This book is the culmination of Bob Proctor's more than 40 years of study in the world of personal development and success. Bob Proctor was a high school drop out turned firefighter in Toronto Canada who owed more money than he made in a year. He discovered a book that changed his life and started him on a journey that began in 1961 and continues to this day. That book was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. The year that Bob Proctor started to study that book he made over $100,000 dollars and then over $1 million dollars the next year. He wanted to know what caused him to change when no one around him was changing. He wanted to know how and what made him successful and the result of that study is the book "You Were Born Rich"

"You Were Born Rich" is written in a straight forward way that is easy to read and understand. In this book Bob Proctor lays out a plan that if followed will give you the success that you are looking for. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific action or group of tasks that the author suggests you follow that will lead you to success. Bob Proctor encourages you to savour the book the way you would enjoy a glass of fine wine. Read the book and think about what the author has written. How does this apply to your life? What can you learn from the section you just read? Does what you have read cause you to think about other ways or ideas of doing things? Think about the actions suggested by the book and how you can apply them to your life.

The premise that we are all born rich as is outlined in the title of the book was initially difficult to believe. After reading the book I believe that the author has fulfilled the promise of the title "You Were Born Rich". We are all born with the ability to become rich and each person will have a different definition of what rich is to them. If you study this book, not just read it but study it, you will discover that you were born rich. I firmly believe that if you follow the guidance in this book you will become rich, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know that my life has improved in all these areas since I first read this book.

Mark Johnson is a life coach and consultant, who loves getting the most out of life and enjoys helping others to do the same. He enjoys a full life with his family and horses on his ranch in the Rocky Mountain Foothills. Mark is the founder of Your Wealth and Wisdom. Visit his website http://moneywealthwisdom.com/ It is my mission to help everyone learn to become wealthy. There is more than enough for everyone because we don't all define wealth in the same way or want the same things in life. You can learn more about how to make money, build businesses, protect your wealth, eliminate debt and develop passive income streams at my website http://moneywealthwisdom.com/

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Seven Years to Seven Figures System by Michael Masterson

Do you want to be fabulously wealthy? If you do then you may wish to read a brilliant book by Michael Masterson. He has crafted an excellent guide for those that want to make big bucks and live the life they have always dreamed about.

Who would not want to earn 7 figures a year? Mostly all entrepreneurs explore their options with this exact goal in mind. However, getting there is never an easy proposition. That is why the work produced by Michael Masterson is so valuable. He has delivered a brilliant strategy for achieving your long sought after goal and he does so by presenting The Seven Years to Seven Figures System. Those that serious wish to amass such a fortune are well advised to look towards this brilliant system as a solution to their long search for amassing great wealth.

Yes, a lot of gimmick oriented "make money fast and with no effort" programs proliferate out there telling people how they can all become fabulously wealthy overnight. Are these systems legitimate ones? Rarely! But, do not let the presence of such weak systems put you off from exploring what is offered in The Seven Years to Seven Figures System by Michael Masterson. Masterson has crafted a legitimate and logical program that can possibly deliver previously elusive results.

The core of this book is entrepreneurship. In other words, this book is about going into business for yourself and drawing upon the current work experience you may possess to attain such results. Those that go into business for themselves will assuredly discover the amazing benefit of entrepreneurial success. Who knows? They may even amass previously unheard of profits as a result.

There are scores of inspiring stories present within the pages of this well-written work. The life stories of several self-made millionaires are presented in its pages. Many of these millionaires showed that they can achieve and attain success far beyond what most people thought possible. This is likely through the notion that the adherence to certain principles that can be effectively duplicated will steer you on the path to great wealth and success. Remember, the title of the work is The Seven Years to Seven Figures System. That means this is not an overnight process. It is one that takes a great deal and time and effort to bring to fruition. Many of the tales of the self-made millionaires are rooted in their ability to make marketing strategies work for them. Developing such insight comes only with experience. This excellent book sets the stage for learning how to channel and harness that experience into practical action.

Honestly, if the material is not put into practical application, it is not going to deliver results. Reading The Seven Years to Seven Figures System by Michael Masterson will definitely set you on the path to discovering how to attain such results.

Again, there are no quick fixes to amassing wealth. There are, however, brilliant strategies that can be employed to attain such an outcome. The Seven Years to Seven Figures System helps provide insight into such strategies.

Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about The Seven Years to Seven Figures System by Michael Masterson

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Suze Orman's Action Plan - New Rules for New Times - Review

I don't know about you, but after the market crash in 07-08, I wasn't looking for lots of wisdom about how to save and invest properly. What I was looking for was a way to make some money.

The back cover of Suze Orman's, Action Plan: New Rules for New Times reads: "Times have changed and the rules have changed, but financial security is still the goal. Do you know how to get there?" I was hoping to open the cover and be directed to a sure-fire way to make more money.

The frustrating thing about Suze Orman's book, and many of the other personal finance, self-help, books on the shelf, is that it does not help guide me toward any tangible, hands-on way to actually make more money. Obviously, Suze would say that is not the purpose of the book, and of course, she is correct. I wish there were a book on that shelf that just says: "go do this, and you'll make a lot of money!"

That notwithstanding, Action Plan does a great job of identifying the important points with regard to adjusting to the "New Times," which obviously refers to the new "economic" times. The entire book is based on the premise that the most important goal is to get rid of debt and rebuild savings. The last chapter, "Kids & Money," very appropriately encourages us to teach our kids good financial habits to help prevent them from experiencing the pain that we brought upon ourselves by not paying attention to basic rules of personal finance.

Action Plan addresses current legislation regarding savings instruments, 401K and IRA withdrawals, and other savings and investment strategies. It offers a good explanation of FICO practices and how they impact our credit ratings; provides some sound advice about how to build our retirement plan; and tells us what to do if we are already retired or close to retirement. Its job-loss strategies center around "hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst."

Three universal rules govern the advice in Action Plan: New Rules for New Times:

"Let go of the past." Keep our eyes on the road ahead. We can't move ahead as long as we continue to hold on to the past."Plan on Moderation." Live within our means. We should expect to be on a financial roller coaster for the next four to five years."Respect risk." Before the bubble burst no one was asking "What is the risk?" That has changed with the new economy, and we need to be more aware of our exit strategies.

Not surprisingly, Action Plan - New Rules for New Times offers no quick fix. If it did, we wouldn't believe it anyway. There is no quick fix. The bottom line is that "There are bad times and there are good times, and history tells us that over time, the good times out-weight the bad." It is up to each of us to take the steps necessary to insure our own financial security.

Suze Orman correctly reminds us that worrying about our future won't fix anything. Taking proper action will.

One of the best ways to create a substantial retirement income, is to build an online business that will offer you the opportunity to control your time by working at home at your own pace to create the income you need to accomplish your goals. Go to our website http://Worldwide-Mentors.com/ to learn how you can start your own profitable Internet Marketing business and create the cash flow you need to implement your plan to financial freedom.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Midas Touch for a Richer and Wealthier Life - It Is Time to Get Very Rich by Anyaele Sam Chiyson

If you have read "The Sagacity of Sage" from Anyaele Sam Chiyson, make yourself richer with his new classic titled 'It is time to get very rich." In this rich volume, which has already sold many copies and blessed numerous lives, Chiyson shares the great secrets that made him an exceptional entrepreneur and topnotch businessman. The sagacious principles outlined in this masterpiece if diligently applied in your life and business will bring about positive change that leads to tremendous riches and prosperity. In his trademark style, Anyaele Sam Chiyson elucidates: the true definition of entrepreneurship, the infallible wisdom that characterizes successful entrepreneurs and the criterion required to be distinguished in entrepreneurialism and the business world.

The entrepreneurial and executive intelligence you need to be in business for yourself and be very rich is in this book. In this timely book, Anyaele Sam Chiyson teaches that, "To be outstanding and be on top of the system that drive the financial world of good life and do greater things in this day and age, you must be strategic to think outside the box." This is the right time to lead your financial freedom and be a name to conjure with. After reading this book, you will learn to partner and synergize with people and kick that selfish boss that treats you like a slave in the ass. This powerful treatise will strengthen your money making faculty and teach you how to be successful in business. You can make yourself a master of riches with this award-winning rich book and enjoy the beautiful life.

'It is time to get very rich,' is authored by Anyaele Sam Chiyson, a Nigerian born genius, bestselling author, business coach and consultant who is internationally respected for his geniality. Anyaele Sam Chiyson is an African making a positive difference in the world. This computer scientist and electrical/electronics engineer turned author is the CEO of Chiysonovelty International, a publishing company, Executive Director at Chiysonovelty Book Club, Patron and member of Higherlife International, a non-governmental organization (NGO), focused and dedicated on enriching lives positively and founding member of the African Entrepreneurs' Forum (AEF).

It is time to get very rich, is a 108 pages book published by AuthorHouse, it is available in hardcover, paperback and ebook formats. In this book you will receive wisdom and treasures like the Anyaele Sam Chiyson's Exceptional Rules of Entrepreneurship: The Real Entrepreneurship Principles; also known as Anyaele Sam Chiyson Entrepreneurial Pentagon Rules and see its wonderful diagram that is the talk of all business professors. This work of novelty gives you the passport to be the best in the business circle. I have read great books by Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Jack Welch, Robert G. Allen, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Warren Buffet and other great business men, but I highly recommend 'It is time to get very rich' by Anyaele Sam Chiyson for all to read to create their rich and wealthy state.

This book will help you find and define your niche, develop multiple streams of income, live a lifetime of unlimited wealth. It will teach you ageless laws of business success, timeless rules of business and entrepreneurship, and give you the audacity of riches which will enable you establish yourself and roll in money, be richest and strongest person on earth. With this book, you don't need to go to any business school. It is loaded with more than enough knowledge to hold the reins of your favorable financial future enjoy super abundance of good thing and reign in life. I endorse and recommend this for all; read and be richer!

(c) Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha is the author of the life-enriching book titled OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGES OF LIFE, available at http://www.amazon.com/OVERCOMING-CHALLENGES-IFEANYI-ENOCH-ONUOHA/dp/1467041262/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0 and http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000502896/OVERCOMING-THE-CHALLENGES-OF-LIFE.aspx. Ifeanyi is a Life Coach, Positive Change Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Visionary Leader. He is the Founder/President of Higherlife International; a non-governmental organization dedicated and focused on enriching lives positively, an Administrator at Chiysonovelty Book Club ( an arm of Chiysonovelty International) and a Chaplain at International Christians Corp and Chaplaincy.
A respected book reviewer and biographer.

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วันอังคารที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Success Magazine - Review

Title and Author: Success Magazine - Review

Synopsis of Content:

Darren Hardy brought Success Magazine back to life in 2008 and has done a fabulous job of it. Success is the oldest more or less continuously published success magazine in the United States. It was founded over a century ago by Orison Swett Marden.

The modern version of Success is a greater value than the older versions. In addition to a lot of great content each issue comes with a CD containing interviews with successful people, authors and experts. As just an example the April 2011 issue of the magazine contains articles by or about Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, Seth Godin, Derek Jeter, Jack LaLanne, John Wooden, John C. Maxwell, Mel Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Barbara Weltman, Drs. Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, Robert Bloom, former President Jimmy Carter, Coach Mike Krzyzewski, Alexander Hamilton, and many others who are achieving success.

The magazine includes regular features on how to stay organized, how to help teenagers succeed, what books to read, and many other things that can help most anyone in their search for success, financial and otherwise.

Each issue is dedicated to a theme, the April issue is about Leading Change and how to Inspire and Focus a team.

If you want to stay on top of trends, learn how others succeed in life and in business and increase your general knowledge of how to become more effective there is nothing better you could do than read this magazine.

Readability/Writing Quality:

Success is well written and professionally laid out. The copy editing is good; I've yet to find a typo. Articles are mostly short and concise although each issue contains at least one or two in depth articles with good content.

Notes on Author:

There are many authors for this magazine but the Editor, Darren Hardy is notable for creating the standards and the vision for the reincarnation of this American tradition. Nothing may be more American than the idea that anyone can be successful. Hardy not only subscribes to that belief he lives it and publishes it monthly.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

From just the April 2011 Issue:

1. To be an effective leader you need to understand and follow the late John Wooden's advice that you must first lead yourself and achieve genuine self discipline. (John C. Maxwell)

2. Learn success from Howard Schultz of Starbucks: grow with discipline; balance intuition with rigor; innovate around your core; find new ways to see; don't embrace the status quo; listen with empathy; and many more. (John H. Ostdick)

3. The key to reinvention and success is to have that rare skill of actually getting things done. You must create outcomes that people will want. (Seth Godin)

Publication Information:

Success Magazine is published monthly by Success Media of Lake Dallas, Texas. It is copyrighted by Success Media.

Rating: Success Magazine is the best of its kind in the world today. It sets the standard for publishing in its area. The author of this review is a subscriber but has no other financial relationship with the magazine.

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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วันพุธที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Attitude Wake Up Call

WOW -- what a wake-up call!

Could the way you think influence you financial well-being?

Can you change your life just by changing what you think?

Attention all women, especially those in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area:

About a month ago I was feeling depressed about the direction my life was taking. The recession in our area was still hitting us hard and I was feeling so negative about where our country was heading.
As a medical assistant, I hear from so many single mothers who are trying hard to just keep their life together. Listening to their stories only made me feel more helpless.

I shared this with a group of fellow book club members during one of our weekly phone calls. We like to read and then discuss inspirational and uplifting books, audios and DVDs. Most all of us have either read or listened to Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Jim Roehn, and Zig Zigler, and shared what we've learned from them.

Just as we were finishing up, one of the single ladies in the group told us about an audio book called, The New Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles. This book was written nearly a century ago but was recently rediscovered by Rhonda Byrne, the creator of The Secret.

The other thing that my friend told us about is a DVD called The Secret. Both the audio book and the DVD go hand in hand. My husband and I went out and bought both. The first time I listened to The New Science, I thought, "Sounds too good to be true, I wonder if this really works."

That weekend my husband and I watched The Secret and were totally blown away. Could the power of positive thinking really work? Could this powerful DVD help not only my single-mother friends but everyone? The answer that I found was an unequivocal YES.

If you are looking for something "new" to listen to on that long drive to and from work or school, check out The New Science of Getting Rich. Then, check out The Secret. You will be riveted to your couch. If you are looking to change your life, listen and watch and hopefully you will be as amazed as we were.

Good luck to all of you out there. Keep your thoughts positive, focus on your desires, and may you be filled with only the best life can offer you.


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

"Secured Retirement Investing" Requires Thoughtful Planning and Education

Many financial pundits embrace grandiose theories and use mathematical formulas to convince the vast sea of American Investors to accept their vision of the perfect American Retirement Account Balance. They make statements like "by the time you are sixty five you should have X$ in your retirement portfolio to cover health care costs or to live the perfect dream of exotic travel and extravagant lifestyle of spend, spend and more spending. Retirement plans and accounts, however, are like "beauty" it is in the "Eye of the Beholder"! My perfect retirement lifestyle is not necessarily my cousin's or for that matter my next door neighbor's. We all have different interests, needs, and desires.? But we all do share one thing in common we deal in a risky business indeed called Investing.

It may not be a forgone conclusion; that Penny Stock Investors are investing for retirement. Some will develop an investment portfolio to hedge their current business needs whatever that may be. Some may invest just to prove to themselves and others that they can, while still others invest as a business to generate their monthly income in order to meet obligations. Still others invest for one goal, to build up a massive amount of cash these are typically referred to as "Day Traders.

This article is not an attempt to convince anyone how to invest or why for that matter, it is simply to give another point of view for the motivation of investing. The need to think about retirement whether you are a full time investor or just starting out or you have been a "bi-vocational" investor for years.

No matter your motivation allow me to make a case for you to invest with one eye looking down the road to retirement regardless of how long or short that may be. We all know instinctively that one day we will "give up", "give out", or "wear out"! Now I am not trying to be pessimistic or to be a bearer of bad news especially for those of you in your twenties and thirties. But what I am tying to impress on everyone is that just like in the market, life has no guarantees! By that I mean life and the market share the same propensity for change, volatility, risk, and dare I say fees, loads, and charges. Why do you think that the game of Monopoly is so popular? Because Monopoly like real life reflects the whole concept of "Time and Chance".

For those folks who are the always the winner at Monopoly remember this, life isn't a board game and you cannot ever memorize all the cards that will be thrown at you. This is just like Investing! Multiple volatile conditions affect your investments 24/7 and there is nothing that can stop Time and Chance from happening to you or anyone else for that matter. Since we are all equipped with this basic knowledge wouldn't it be prudent to at least look down the road and work up for yourself a basic vision of what kind of retirement you would like to have and at what age? Here are a few topics for your consideration.

Living arrangements - Family residence, condo/town home, retirement village? How much will that cost based on today's economy and then calculate from your current age to your perfect retirement age how many years that is multiplied by 3% for inflation. You will need to revisit this about every year to adjust for current inflation rates. Currently inflation isn't really an issue but that wont always be the case.

Health Care Costs- we don't really know what these will be any more than we can actually count the stars in the night sky. This is true for most investors living in the U.S. now days. Since this is a High Risk area we need an alternative plan other than just cash accumulation. There are two key concepts you need to study "Mortality & Morbidity". They will make you feel real happy! Not!

Food - Now here is a topic that whole 2hr seminars have been based around. Many folks living today who are in the Boomer generation can remember when the cost of a loaf of bread was.75

Cents and a cup of coffee at a restaurant was.25 cents. How about the incredible edible Egg? from 1985-1987 the price per dozen ranged from 42.9 cents to 51.5 cents.

(Cooperative Extension University of California Number 85 June 30, 1988)

Currently in 2012 one dozen large grade "A" eggs are selling for $1.7059 while the organic brown shell eggs in a carton range from $2.61- $3.16

(http://www.ams.usda.gov/pymarketnews.htm or PYMNDSM@ams.usda.gov)

Based on just these three areas of life we can deduce that living will be more expensive in the future than it is right now. And this is not taking into consideration the punitive tax system we are under in the United States currently or the new taxes that have and will be voted into existence before and during our retirement.

What areas can we offset the risk with careful planning? Well for one, risk can be reduced by a well thought out investment plan focusing on an annual return that will beat inflation and keep up with the market while never delivering bad news like a negative return. I think that you would agree that these types of accounts would be the perfect holding area for your "Bread and Butter" retirement fund. What are these types of accounts? Well they are widely available in every city, state and the whole nation for that matter they are Indexed Annuities.

The Indexed Annuity with safety and a guaranty income provision can provide income protection for you for life and while you wait to start the income the account can grow and compound the returns on the interest generated, and on the Taxes you would have paid if the money were in another type of interest bearing account. And never give you a negative return.

Some investors work from a forward looking strategy and determine what there Social Security income will be when they reach either their max retirement age or when they can take it the earliest and begin to accumulate that much cash reserves or purchase an annuity with that much money and let that keep up with inflation. Then go along there happy way being the raging stock investor they are on the inside.

Now couple this with a disciplined Investment Strategy and you have a retirement focused plan where you can have the peace of mind that your retirement funds will always be safe and growing, while at the same time focus on the business at hand that of being the best penny stock investor you can be.

All the Best & Happy Investing!

Randall Cox


P.S. In my next article entitled "Create an Investment "Safety Net" with Old Fashioned Insurance". I am going to reveal little known tips and strategies that most married couples have not considered. These concepts will help married couples who have one investor minded partner and another who is so frightened about risking their financial future that they wont even dole out a quarter in a payphone for fear of losing it.And the secrets that affluent people have used in order to get their hands on tax free cash to invest and buy businesses.


A site dedicated to providing information and resources to help you along your Investing Journey.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Start Late, Finish Rich - Part Three

Are you rapidly approaching retirement age and looking for "A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age"? David Bach insists that it's never too late to be rich. In "Start Late, Finish Rich" he shows you how to get from behind the eight ball to retiring wealthy.

Part Three: Save More

Most of us have heard the term "Pay Yourself First." The thought process here is that if you don't pay yourself first, you will never have enough left over to pay yourself with. We have an amazing way of spending whatever we have in our bank accounts. But, if you are getting a late start, you don't just want to pay yourself first; you need to pay yourself first faster!

One of the best ways to do this is to take advantage of a pretax retirement account. If your company offers one, you are foolish to not take advantage of it. If your company offers matching funds you should be investing at least to the matched amount. But, as soon as possible, you should max out your contribution. Why do that instead of investing some of your after-tax dollars in a different account? Just look at the math. After the government takes out taxes, you have less to spend or to invest.

The next most important key is to make this automatic. If you have to physically transfer the money, chances are an event will occur in your life that will gobble up the money you had planned to invest. You want to make sure that your savings are automatic so that you can't divert that money elsewhere.

You are probably wondering how much you should save. Bach says that you should save at least an hour a day of your income. If you're starting late (which you probably are if you're reading his book!) you should save at least two hours a day of your income. He insists that it's easier to do than you think and that the key is to just decide to do it.

What about budgeting? You may be surprised to find out that David Bach tells you to throw the budget out the window. Instead of concentrating on what you can spend and putting limits on that, he teaches that your focus should be on how much you can save. If you take care of the savings, the spending takes care of itself. But you have to make sure the savings is automatic.

What should you invest in? Bach says that your life should be interesting and your investments should be boring. More money is lost by investing on "the next big thing" that somehow doesn't pan out. Most financial experts will admit that the S&P has been fairly steady over the years. It may have seen some bad days, but if you average it out you'll find a steady upward trend. His advice is to go for the perfect pie approach and split your investments three ways: Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate. When one goes down, another of your investments will go up. By not putting all of your eggs into one basket and diversifying into these three major areas, you will be able to insulate yourself from those big drops when then come. I can testify to this method of investing. In the recent downturn in the stock market and in mutual funds (which historically do not both drop at the same time), my REIT was the only thing that still made a good, steady profit.

If you own a home, you have already begun your real estate investment. If the equity doesn't equal one third of your total investments, then you'll want to add a REIT investment to your portfolio. He provides some excellent resources on investment companies for both stocks and bonds.

If you are renting, you'll want to pay close attention as Bach explains why renters stay poor and home owners get rich. He shows you how you can purchase a home - even with poor credit (although you will pay higher interest than you would if you were debt free). Still, he insists that you shouldn't wait to buy. Tables are provided so that you can see how much house you can afford. Real estate isn't just a good investment; it actually gives you something to show for the money you are spending on a roof over your head each month. Renting does not.

Again, Bach insists that this needs to be automated. He highly encourages (as most financial counselors do) that you pay your home off in as short a time as possible. By paying your mortgage biweekly instead of monthly, you can pay it off years earlier and save tens of thousand of dollars in interest.

By following David Bach's advice on how to save more, you will be able to make up for some of that lost time and compound interest from not starting sooner. Just putting one or two of these ideas into motion will make a huge impact on how much more you will be able to save for retirement so that you truly can start late and still finish rich!

My name is Cheree Miller. I'm not a financial counselor or legal advisor. In fact, I've made some poor choices in my life. I've been broke, with creditors calling, writing, and sending court summons. I've had my bank account garnished and wondered how I was going to feed my family. But, I can tell you that you can learn to make good choices where your money is concerned. You can get out of debt if you remain focused on the end goal instead of wallowing around in a pity pool feeling sorry for yourself. Better yet, you can retire rich if you start saving for your retirement now!

Life was meant to be enjoyed. For more resources on getting out of debt and living debt free, visit http://www.imdebtfree.net/. While you're there, sign up for my free newsletter with more tips on how to get and stay debt free, and receive my free report "101 Powerful Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score."

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Book Summary: Safe Money Millionaire - Written by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap

Guaranteed retirement income is the name of the game. I think the financial industry has done their best to destroy trillions of dollars of wealth for a commission. I am fine with people getting paid for rendered services but there should be no fees in a loss market situation. We need to be thinking about preserving our capital as well as building it and NOT gambling our future away.

Why is this important to me?

I always want to ask this question as if I am sitting in your shoes. I don't want to waste your time. How are you doing in your retirement? Have you made money in the last three years or are you still in a rebound from the 40% haircut that Wall Street provided in typical 401K plans?

The great housing burst was partially created by derivatives. Perhaps 100 people actually understand these instruments. Our economy was on the verge of collapse because traders needed to get their year end bonus. Selling financial instruments that can take down a banking institution with a simple 3% price movement is not the smartest way to go. Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch all proved this in 2008. Traders leveraged billions of dollars for millions in commission. I guess you need to go to Harvard or MIT to understand these trades but the math does not look to smart even to a 3rd grader.

Safe Money Millionaire is a good book that you need to read if you are interested in having a retirement. Rule #1 simply states don't lose money and Rule #2 states - don't forget Rule # 1. This book adheres to these rules.

Safe Money Millionaire is a quick read that covers several topics. For the sake of time, I will cover three key takeaways. The end goal is financial freedom and independence.

1. Breakup with Wall Street - If you invest strictly for Rates of Return then you are doomed. This is a one dimensional approach that does not work for the masses. Wall Street pitches investment advice 24x7. This is designed to attract sheep. Cramer from Mad Money recommended viewers purchase CIT Group because it was primed for an uptick. Four weeks later CIT filed for bankruptcy. This type of advice is seen all over the place. You are encouraged to buy Mutual Funds that have a high past performance. If you really think about this you are being encouraged to buy at a high price. To make money you need to buy low and sell high. Gambling is a sure way to financial ruin. You need to take your financial education into your own hands. You need to guarantee your principle and your rate of return. The key word here is guaranteed.

2. Pay Taxes on the Seed or the Crop - Farmers are allowed to either pay taxes on the seed or the crop. Which would you rather do? If you said pay on the seed then you are correct but this also blows your 401K logic out of the water. When you pay seed or basically invest in after tax dollars, you are locking in your future because you know exactly how much money you will receive back. If you decide to pay on the crop then it is not guaranteed how much you will pay because most likely the tax rate will be higher. To be a Safe Money Millionaire, you need to pay on the seed not the crop.

3. Financing Yourself to Wealth - This does not mean leverage yourself to the hilt with bank debt. Financing yourself to wealth means creating your own bank and then using your money efficiently to become wealthy. Why did Willie Sutton rob banks? Because that is where the money is. This strategy is one of the strongest I have seen and using the Infinite Banking Concept with a long term approach will absolutely secure your future.

Safe Money Millionaire is another book that highlights the Infinite Banking Concept and debunks traditional investment advice. In the book the authors quote Suze Orman. When asked what she invests in, she says: "I save it and build it in municipal bonds. I buy zero-coupon bonds and all the bonds I buy are triple-A-rated, and insured so even in the city goes under, I get my money." When asked about playing the market, she says, "I have a million in the stock market, because if I lose it, I personally don't care." These statements are powerful because she invests in guarantee returns. The bond market is NOT the stock market.

I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit. Habits form in as little as 21 days. One thing you can take away from this book is Rule #1- Don't Lose Money. Schedule 15 minutes each day to get educated on guaranteed investments like permanent life insurance, insured bonds and annuities to jump start your way to financial freedom. These require education on your part. When you do that and couple it with the Infinite Banking concept then not only will you be financial independent, you will become wealthy.

Joe Mosed invites you to subscribe to http://www.successprogress.com/ to receive free video book summaries. Our vision at Success Progress is to provide relevant & meaningful content to our user community. To view the video summary of this article please visit http://www.youtube.com/successprogress

(c) Copyright - Joe Mosed / Success Progress All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Science of Getting Rich - A Review

The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by famous writer Wallace Wattles. He was born at the time when there was war all over United States in the 1800s. Wallace Wattles did face a lot of failures and hardships in his early life, and later in his life he did lot of tireless studies and various experimentations, which he has used in this book. This book is ideal for men and women alike because it is a practical manual and it tells everything about achieving goals and earning money. The practical approach of The Science of Getting Rich is what makes it different from other books in its league and thereby making it a huge success.

The Science of Getting Rich is a successful self-help book and it is so popular that it can easily find its way in the future Hall of Fame of popular books. It has all the ingredients that are necessary for a book to be exciting, appealing and readable. Moreover, The Science of Getting Rich is short and to the point and it is written in a lucid and eloquent manner, so that the readers can easily understand what it is trying to convey to its audience.

It is a book that Wallace wrote hundred years ago to make people understand the concept of wealth acquisition faster. This is a book that will only tell you about how to make money and it has nothing to do with raising your self-esteem or identifying goals to lead a happy life. Wallace is direct to the point and makes it clear that everyone has the right to be rich and wealthy. However, he never ever promotes negativity like greed or selfishness.

The Science of Getting Rich is an exciting book, however, there is one negative aspect about this book; it is a psychobabble and for some readers it might not be very much appealing. The Science of Getting Rich will not tell you about the types of investments that you should make to become rich or about any exercise that will help you to become rich. It is a book that will tell you that to become rich you have to manage your day-to-day business affairs efficiently, so that money can come in. So, as a whole this a great book to read because it is extremely appealing and it is true to its subject matter.

P.S. Find out more effective wealth creation strategies like these that will help you become rich and create real wealth for life - sign up NOW for more about The Science of Getting Rich at Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE. You'll discover more about personal and business success secrets, wealth building and more about The Science of Getting Rich at MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE.

P.P.S. Make sure to grab a copy of the free "The 7 Secrets of Wealth Creation" e-book. Just go to MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Smart Women Finish Rich

David Bach's, "Smart Women Finish Rich", inspires women to begin planning for a secure financial future, immediately. Women of all age groups and backgrounds can benefit from reading and studying this book.

David Bach created an easy to understand program, which will guide you through your finance maze. Learning about money is a never-ending lesson, because the world and the economy is constantly changing. Today, hundreds of thousands of women are taking action to address their personal finances.

Women need to become empowered and gain financial education, because sadly, a divorce, a death or an illness, can leave women financially destitute if their sole reliance is on their partner to take care of them. Whether you are in your 20's or your 80's, single, married, divorced, or widowed; whether you are a professional or a homemaker, this book will empower you to see that you are more than capable of taking stock of your finances and your financial future. This book was designed to equip women with the right tools.

"Smart Women Finish Rich" draws a financial road map that will instruct you on how to go from where you are right now, to where you want to be. David launches into the first step in the book, which covers learning the facts and myths about you and your money. There is a financial knowledge quiz which can be filled out, to determine how knowledgeable you or aren't, about your personal finances.

The second step covers putting your money where your values are, which incorporates a values ladder. You can create your own values ladder, which enables you to look deeper within yourself, intensely affirming to you, what is most important to you.

Step three gets you to think about where you are currently standing financially and where you would like to go. David Bach outlines the "finish rich folder system", which helps you to begin getting organised. There are some goal setting exercises and worksheets to complete, helping you to figure out where you would like to be. There is a "personal plan for success" worksheet, helping you to overcome your challenges.

In step four, David talks about the "latte factor" and how to create massive wealth on just a few dollars a week. In step four of the program, you are encouraged to get your spending under control. There are a series of exercises you can use in the book to help you to control your spending.

In step five of the book, David talks about the "three baskets" - the security basket, the retirement basket, and the dream basket. He states that the security basket protects you and your family against unexpected emergencies or events, the retirement basket safeguards your future, and the dream basket grants you the opportunity to fulfill core desires that make life worthwhile.

Step six covers the 10 biggest mistakes investors make and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.

Step seven is particularly helpful in empowering savvy women to teach their children to become smart with money and to "finish rich".

In the updated edition, David includes crucial long-term investment advice, information on how to teach your children about money, Internet resources, and new ways to attract greater wealth, both personally and financially, into your life.

Zurieka Model is a leading online entrepreneur and business coach, seeking to help struggling individuals and entrepreneurs to become better financially educated and live a life by design. Finish Rich.

? 2011 Zurieka Model

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Science of Getting Rich, A Proven Mental Program by Wallace C Wattles - A Book Review

Synopsis of Content:

Wallace D. Wattles spent a life time studying and writing about the laws of success. He studied the great philosophers and contemporary writers. Wallace was convinced that wealth is attracted, as is poverty and every other condition. He taught that barriers could be overcome and success attained by mental discipline. He also advocated building wealth through creation and not competition. His book was first published in 1910.

Wattles insisted that one must first lose any reservations about getting rich and accept one's right to be rich. He dispels many of the myths about wealth and teaches how it can be used for the good of man, especially when it is the result of creative work rather than competitive work. He insists there is a science of getting rich and that many have discovered its laws. Rich people are not necessarily brilliant - they simply understand the laws of the science of getting rich while poor people do not.

He dispels the myth that opportunity has been all snatched up and teaches that for those who observe and are open to what the world had to offer there is a great deal of opportunity. In fact he says that opportunity is unlimited, or limited only by your imagination.

Wallace then sets forth the principles of getting rich. Those principles are:

? Thought is the only power which can produce tangible wealth from formless substance.

? Man can form things in his thought and by impressing his thoughts upon formless substance (raw materials) he can cause the things he imagines to be created.

? A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things.

? To think what you want is to think truth, regardless of appearance. There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.

Wattles then urges the reader to reject the idea that we are dependent upon a deity to accomplish our aims. Here he may leave the devout a bit cold and although one need not accept this aspect of his teaching to benefit from what he says over all it is true that he is stressing the power of the individual mind to change reality.

Wattles insists that as long as your intent is harmonious with the universe it will support you and your purpose. That is, as long as you intend no one any harm you will be well served by all of nature in your pursuits. And he stresses the importance of gratitude in one's pursuit of wealth and success.

He describes with particularity the way you must form clear pictures in your mind of what you want to attain it. He teaches the strength and the power of focused and disciplined intent.

Wattles' teaching was not new in 1910 and we recognize in it much of the "new age" thinking on manifesting and creating that is common in thousands of books today. He taught visualization, pioneered by William James and others, and the power of intent, attitude and the disciplined mind. You see his influence in the work of Napoleon Hill and others including many of today's leading authors, philosophers and teachers.

While he is didactic and somewhat narrow in his theory and advocacy, insisting for example that the reader read no other works on success or wealth building other than his book, he has a lot to offer the contemplative mind and was truly a pioneer in many areas of self improvement teaching.


Wattles wrote in the common style of the early 20th century. He wrote reasonably well but the text tends to be somewhat pedantic. It lacks the outline format of modern nonfiction literature. If you put a bit of effort forth it is well worth it. If you do not want to work at all at reading this may not be for you.

Overall Rating: Good

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Making Money Fast

Many people are under a lot of financial pressure. Some are so desperate that they are looking for ways of making money fast. Needs that keep a man on his feet are good, this is because they make him utilize his most potent resource; his mind. It is a known fact that desperation can push a man towards the other extreme of losing his power of concentration which is an essential prerequisite to think well and solve problems. This could make him rather frenetic thereby compounding his problems.

There are two important questions that a person in a dire financial circumstance should ask themselves. The answers to these questions should determine the next step to take. The first question is 'how did I get here?' In other words 'why am I in this desperate financial situation?'A person may be in a financial dilemma because they lack financial discipline and are always spending more than they earn. It could be as a result of debt whose interest rate is too high thereby making it difficult to repay and squeezing out scarce funds from the individual's pocket. It could also be as a result of lack of a job and the consequent lack of a source of income.

The second question is 'what should I do to be out of this situation?' 'What am I to do to get money?' This is where the amazing power of the mind is brought to bear in solving a man's problems. Knowing the reason for financial crisis would help to find a solution to it. Using the law of causes and effects, when the cause of a problem is identified, dealt with and eliminated, there is no reason why the effect should not be eliminated as well. Having known the reasons or causes of the financial crisis the next thing is to eliminate those causes and this requires thinking along this line, 'What are the things that I should do to start making money fast?' Take time to think. Get a pen and paper and start listing the things that you can do to make money quickly? Think about this deeply until you've written down at least 20 solutions that could help you make money quickly.

For the unemployed who wants to get a job, it is worthy to note that most times, getting an employment ordinarily does not depend on the employee, it may not be a solution to make money quickly. But there are jobs that are considered stop-gaps that an individual could get quickly and use the money earned from it to reduce the pressure that lack of money puts on them. You shouldn't say 'I won't be caught dead washing plates' because it is a temporary job that could help you put food on the table until you get the type you deserve. When your solutions are all written down, start taking actions on them and you'll start seeing results that show you that making money fast is possible.

Chika Chukwukadibia invites you to participate in some of the best income generating programs on the net. This system integrates four income streams and shows you how to promote and earn in a short time. Making real money online is easier than you imagined. For details, visit http://www.mastercashmachine.com/

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วันศุกร์ที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie As Told to Napoleon Hill by Napoleon Hill

Synopsis of Content:

In 1908 a young reporter named Napoleon Hill obtained an interview with recently retired steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie had just sold his steel mills to a trust which would become US Steel. He was busy spending the last half of his life giving away the fortune he had accumulated during the first half. He was the richest man in the world and the most successful.

Carnegie turned the original hour interview into a couple days where he lectured Hill about the principles of success he had learned and applied in business to become so successful. He liked what he saw in Hill and commissioned him, should he accept, with the task of interviewing most of the successful men of the time and writing a science of success, based at first on Carnegie's thoughts and then on what he would learn from the men of industry. Carnegie would pay Hill nothing - but would write him letters of introduction which would allow him to mine wisdom about success from nearly every man of success during the first quarter of the 20th century.

In this book Hill purports to recount the wisdom given him by Carnegie. While there is no reason to doubt that many of the gems in the book may have come from Carnegie, among others, there is good reason to doubt it all did. First because it is written in Hill's verbal and rhetorical style, including the quotes he attributes to Carnegie, and second because he makes generous reference to events that came long after Carnegie's death. Also, he adds in things like the supremacy of a positive mental attitude which came not from Carnegie but from Hill's later collaborator, W. Clement Stone. In fact this book was originally written under the title Think Your Way to Wealth and in 1953 published as How to Raise Your Salary. Later it was re-released as The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie as told to Napoleon Hill.

The basic content in the final version is the 17 Principles of Success that Hill first wrote in his Science of Success series and repeated in various formulations in later works.

Like everything by Hill however there is a great deal of useful material here. The reader may well wish to skip over some parts that may not seem helpful but the greatest part of it is among the best of Hill's writings. The success principles and disciplines he writes about are the root of much of the success literature of the past 50 years and many of the speakers, leaders and authors in the success and self improvement field have been deeply influenced by this work.

Readability/Writing Quality:

This book is very readable. Like much of Hill's work it is easy to get through and well organized. Unlike some of his earliest work it is concise. Beginning with Think and Grow Rich Hill had learned to write with economy - a method much more accessible for the average reader.

Notes on Author:

Napoleon Hill dedicated his life to fulfilling the challenge he claimed that Andrew Carnegie had given him. I have yet to discover any independent record of this. I checked with the most recent biographer of Carnegie and he found no reference in any of Carnegie's papers or other biographies about him concerning this conversation or acquaintance with Hill. Yet, Hill spent a life time insisting upon its truth and no one to my knowledge from the Carnegie family ever challenged it.

In the 1930s, after many disappointments and failures, Hill gained national fame as a bestselling author with Think and Grow Rich, based in large part upon his studies under Carnegie and inspired by him.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Before Hill met W. Clement Stone and agreed with him that a positive mental attitude was the most important quality for success Hill insisted that Carnegie and the man other successful men whom he had interviewed and learned from had discovered that having a definite major purpose in life and focusing all one's energy toward it was the first key to success. Whether you agree with Carnegie that this is the most important requisite for success or whether you concur with Stone that a positive mental attitude is most important may not matter - both attributes are vital to success in every area of life.

2. Use of the Master mind principle is the second great lesson taught by Carnegie. Carnegie and Hill both learned early in life that no one attains great success alone. To assemble a group of like minded people who will work together in harmony for a joint objective is the most powerful force in human endeavor and a key to success.

3. The exercise of self discipline is also a necessary and fundamental requirement for success. Those who have mastered this skill succeed - those who have not most often do not.

Publication Information:

The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie as told to Napoleon Hill, by Napoleon Hill.

?1953, 1981 and revised in 2004. Published by the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Wise, Virginia.

Over all rating for this book: Very Good.

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success eBook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Success Blueprint: The Four Hour Work Week

If you have read "The Four Hour Work Week", you already know Timothy Ferriss. I love Tim's whole theory on life. In his book, he touches on so many critical aspects of creating and living a life that you own, that it is hard to summarize the book in one article. So I simply want to touch on one point he talks about: the reality of retirement.

In his book, Timothy explains how retirement as most people know it is unfulfilling and empty, and that instead of working hard for forty years to do nothing in the end, he lives a life full of 'mini-retirements', because he has created an income source that he is passionate about and that allows him to travel, have fun, and live with purpose. His book is a resource for outsourcing your life and will make you think deeply about what is truly important to you. It will open your mind to options.

Like a bear in a zoo, most people live their lives in a 'cage', and feel uncomfortable when the bars are removed because they don't know what is beyond them. They are comfortable and happy being fed and taken care of by someone else. The thought of escaping is normally not in their comfort zone. The years you spend working for someone else, 'trains' you to live within certain boundaries, and not to expect that anything else is possible. The ultimate goal of living in this state is normally retirement...being able to do nothing. Or being able to do anything you want.

However, after forty years in a 'cage', the wilderness is not so exciting. In fact, it's scary. After years of routine, you suddenly find yourself free of the bars, and are lost for what to do. There is no purpose in doing nothing so many people simply wait for the next stage which is old age, and finally death.

By simply reading books like The Four Hour Work Week, you may get some ideas about how to softly remove a few bars from your life. And who knows... maybe even all of them so that you too, can live a life of mini-retirements like Timothy, and eventually fire your boss.

Tim lives a fulfilling mobile lifestyle which I envy. He had solved the problem of how to live so that your life is not all about work and teaches his ideas in a very easy to understand way. Basically, if you want to live life on your own terms, The Four Hour Work Week could give you some guidance and ideas.

Rebecca Ness is a work from home mom who uses internet marketing and network marketing to enjoy the life she desires. To see Rebecca's exact system for online marketing success visit her at http://rebeccaness.com/

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วันเสาร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

Start Late, Finish Rich by David Bach - Book Review

Synopsis of Content:

In his sixth book Bach tackles the problem that his audiences and correspondents have been bringing to his attention, namely that his wealth building method works well for younger people who have the time to realize substantial return on investments while the large "boomer" generation, who likely buy more of his books than the younger crowd to, do not have all that time left.

This book was undoubtedly a challenge for Bach because late starters are at a great disadvantage to younger investors. The only real advantage that older people have is that retirement is now a looming reality rather than a theoretical target in the far distance and as such a better motivator to exercise the discipline necessary to plan for and save for the golden years.

The book starts out telling the reader not to worry or give up, that there is still time although the task at hand is all the more urgent and difficult. He then proceeds to explain what the reader already knows, that to save enough late in life to have an adequate retirement one must save very aggressively. This means either taking on additional work to earn more income or reducing one's current standard of living significantly to save so much.

He offers some useful tips about getting the most out of credit card companies and using automatic savings devices. Much of the center of the book is a rehash of his basic theories of paying oneself first, saving aggressively, investing wisely, etc.

The fourth part of the book discusses ways to earn more money. Some of this is practical and realistic while much of it is not for most people. His advice on real estate investing comes in two forms. The first is about investing in a growing market that existed in 2006 when the book was published but has little relevance in today's market. The second approach is to invest in REIT's which if done in the cautious way he advises remains a sound method.

Bach never really touches on the problems that many older people face in the decade or two before retirement. He does not discuss how one does all he advises while caring for aging parents, putting children through college and facing their own health problems and limitations.

In general the book provides some optimistic views on starting late and gives good ideas on how to make the best of a bad situation for the large portion of the population who have not prepared adequately for retirement. For the reader who is over 40 especially this is a good read. For younger people it may be a good wakeup call to let them know what they are in for in their middle age period if they do not start saving early.

Readability/Writing Quality:

As with all of Bach's books it is very readable. It is well organized, reads easily, avoids complicated investment mathematics and formulae, and uses real life examples of how to apply his theories.

Notes on Author:

David Bach started out as an investment advisor who found he could help more people and make a lot more money writing for and speaking to larger audiences. He has written seven other books on building wealth starting with the best seller The Automatic Millionaire.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. Do not allow fear or a late start to paralyze you. The worst thing to do is to do nothing. It is vital to educate yourself about your options and take action immediately to reduce your expenditures and save more.

2. Paying yourself first is the most important thing anyone can do to build wealth. It means exercising the discipline to set up an automatic savings system to set aside a percentage of all your income for long term investment, wisely investing that money and exercising the discipline not to touch it for anything before retirement.

3. As important as saving and investing is paying down all debt and avoiding incurring any further debt. The worst debt of course is consumer debt which you cannot afford to have any of except possibly your home mortgage. This means living a much less affluent lifestyle - a sacrifice that is unavoidable if you are serious about providing for your old age - and you should be because you cannot count on anyone else to do so.

Publication Information:

Start Late, Finish Rich by David Bach, copyright 2006 by David Bach. Published by Broadway Books in paperback. 333 pages not including the index.

Rating for this Book: Very Good

Daniel R. Murphy writes on success and how you can build wealth. Would you like to learn how others have been successful in business and in life? For a free success ebook and much information which can help make you successful and financially independent visit http://www.bookstowealth.com/. Begin your self-education today learning how others have become successful and rich! Do it today!

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วันพุธที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Science of Getting Rich - A Scientific Approach Indeed

The Science of Getting Rich - now here's a book that really hits the nail on the head. How many books have you read that claim to be able to make you rich but in the end all you get is lame old clich?s like 'work hard' or 'early bird gets the worm' and stuff that you could see for free on plaques in offices? Not this book. True to its name, The Science of Getting Rich takes a scientific and practical look at the desire that every human being inherently has, even if he or she lives in denial. The book begins with an eye-opening lecture that tells us that there is nothing shallow or superficial about the desire to get rich.

The Science of Getting Rich begins on the right note by explaining how money is important to achieve whatever goals you might have. You might think your goals transcend all that and are above something petty like money, but the truth is that you need certain things - practical everyday things and objects to get there and only money can get you those. To understand how sensible the advice in The Science of Getting Rich is, think about it this way. If you aspire to be a writer and are living in a little apartment doing all your chores yourself, then you can't devote as much time to writing as a person who is rich, lives in a nice big house and has maids to do all the messy chores so that he/she can focus on the thing he/she does best - write some great books!

The main premise of The Science of Getting Rich is that there is a certain way of doing things. Rich people are rich because they are doing things a certain way, following certain unbreakable rules. There are indeed some unbreakable rules that all must abide by and these rules have withstood the test of time and practicality and if followed to the letter, they can make anyone rich. The author, Wallace D. Wattles talks about the importance of practical thinking.

The Science of Getting Rich is a book that will mold your thinking and infuse your mind with the thoughts that you need to think in order to gain riches. Moreover, as the book tells us, it is a positive feedback process wherein if you get riches then getting more riches becomes easier than it was the first time you acquired those riches because now you can live a fuller more complete life.

P.S. Find out more effective wealth creation strategies like these that will help you become rich and create real wealth for life - sign up NOW for more about The Science of Getting Rich at Millionaire Mindset Secrets for FREE. You'll discover more about personal and business success secrets, wealth building and more about The Science of Getting Rich at MillionaireMindsetSecrets.com for FREE.

P.P.S. Make sure to grab a copy of the free "The 7 Secrets of Wealth Creation" e-book. Just go to MillioniareMindsetSecrets.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Book Summary - The Master-Key to Riches - Written by Napoleon Hill

This book in a nutshell is a must read for anybody wanted to improve their lives. Regardless of what area you want to improve, Napoleon Hill shows the Master-Key works. Napoleon Hill died in 1970 at 87 years old. Thus the research he did was way ahead of his time. He profiled Andrew Carnegie who created U.S. Steel and mentored Charles Schwab. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to profile successful people to see if there was a pattern. This book along with Think and Grow Rich is a combination of that research.

Why is this important to me?

If I was spending my precious time listening to this video then the first question I would ask is - Why is this important to me?

This is important because Mr. Hill explains the 12 riches of life and how to achieve them. Are you where you want to be or do you need help defining true happiness? The study of the 12 riches and the Master-Key defined in this book will give you the blueprint for happiness.

The 12 Riches of Life are: 1. Positive Mental Attitude, 2. Sound Physical Health, 3. Harmony in Human Relationships, 4. Freedom from Fears, 5. The Hope of Achievements, 6. The Capacity of Faith, 7. Willingness to Share One's Blessings, 8. A labor of Loves, 9. An Open Mind on All Subjects, 10, Self-discipline, 11. The capacity to Understand People, 12. Economic Security.

All 12 riches are important but for the sake of time we will dig into three of them in this summary.

1. Positive Mental Attitude - Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electro-magnet which attracts the counterpart of one's dominating thoughts, aims and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one's fears, worries and doubts. This basically means that you will manifest in your life that which you focus on regardless if it is positive or negative.

2. Sound Physical Health - This one is self-evident and should be number one. In my humble opinion, without health, you cannot create anything. Health is the ultimate gift because with it, everything else is possible. This can easily be taken for granted but once it is taken from you then life changes instantly. This needs to be a priority for everybody.

3. The Capacity to Understand People: The person who truly understands people knows that we all come from the same core. The nine emotions common, according to the book are: love, sex, desire of material gain, self-preservation, freedom from body and mind, self-expression, desire for perpetuation of life and death, anger and fear. The capacity to understand others eliminates many of the common causes of friction among men.

The Master-Key is a combination of 17 principles when used in combination will allow you to achieve the 12 Riches of Life.

The Master-Key consists of:

1) Habit of going the extra mile
2) Definiteness of Purpose
3) The Master mind
4) Applied Faith
5) Pleasing Personality
6) Habit of learning from defeat
7) Creative Vision
8) Personal Initiative
9) Accurate Thinking
10) Self-Discipline
11) Concentration of Endeavor
12) Co-operation
13) Enthusiasm
14) The Habit of Health
15) Budgeting Time and Money
16) Golden Rule Applied 17) Cosmic habit force.

For the sake of time we will profile three of the seventeen.

1. Definiteness of Purpose - Highly successful people have a defined purpose. Mother Teresa dedicated her life in helping the poor of Calcutta and through her definite purpose became world renowned and helped millions of people.

2. The Master Mind - is a group of people that have expertise that can be leveraged toward your defined purpose. Leveraging the combined OPE (Other People's expertise) gives a compound effect to the desired result.

3. Habit going the Extra Mile - I like this one because the 12 Riches of Life can NOT be attained without hard, smart and right work. You have to do the thing to have the power!!!! Notice this is the HABIT of going the extra mile. Ingrain this in your mind and you will not be disappointed with the results.

I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit.

Habits form in as little as 21 days. I highly recommend you read this book and put the principles in place. To take one thing away from the summary and make it habit will be the "Habit of Going the Extra Mile". Put this front and center and it will help you in everything you do.

According to Mr. Hill, Going the extra mile by doing more than one is paid for - "It is the strange influence which it has on the person who does it. The greatest benefit from this habit does not come to those to whom the service is rendered. It comes to the one who renders the service, in the form of a changed "mental attitude," which gives him more influence with other people, more self-reliance, greater initiative, more enthusiasm, more vision and definiteness of purpose. Do the thing and you shall have the power!!!!

Joe Mosed invites you to subscribe to http://www.successprogress.com/ to receive free video book summaries. Our vision at Success Progress is to provide relevant & meaningful content to our user community. To view the video summary of this article please visit http://www.youtube.com/successprogress

(c) Copyright - Joe Mosed / Success Progress All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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